Whilst my friends in the UK may note that today is March 14th, the significance of that date may be lost on them:
In the USA , we (somewhat illogically) type our dates in
the MM/DD/YYYY format - unlike the UK
where they do it in a logical ascending-unit format: - DD/MM/YYYY - and in continental Europe
where they do it in a descending-unit format: - YYYY/MM/DD. Christmas Day this year will be 12/25/2015 in the USA, 25/12/2015 in the UK and 2015/12/25 in Continental Europe - whereas in Muslim countries, it will be . . . Friday!
OK, ignoring the YYYY (one more Y than Tom Jones inquired of Delilah),
unless you live in the UK
(or Ireland ),
you will recognize (and you need not even be a Roman to do so) that March 14th
is not only one day before the Ides of March, but is also Pi day.
Yes - today is the 3rd
Month, 14th day - so: 3.14 (you may forget the rest
of it!) - so:
Regarding 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510, where will you be, in this 3rd month, on its 14th day of the 15th year of the century, at 9:26:53.5 am?
Regarding 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510, where will you be, in this 3rd month, on its 14th day of the 15th year of the century, at 9:26:53.5 am?
But, what is Pi Day? The answer is just a click away.
In school, I was always taught to use 22 / 7 as a good enough approximation of Pi.
In school, I was always taught to use 22 / 7 as a good enough approximation of Pi.
If you really want to
spend eternity doing so, you can calculate the value of Pi here.
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